Remote ECU tuning or bubbling services are also offered.

IXI Flasher

construction costs+ terminal costs¥59,800  ¥46,200
(初回リモートセット購入限定 23%オフ)

It can be installed on multiple vehicles without restrictions using a laptop. Not only bubbling and ECU tuning, but also TCU tuning can be installed for those who plan to install it, or for your car friends in your area.


construction costs+ terminal costs¥49,800 ¥36,300
(初回リモートセット購入限定 27%オフ)

An installation terminal that allows you to store files in the terminal and replace the genuine, tuning data, tuning + Pops&Bangs yourself at any time.One terminal is tied to one other, making it a remote tool for your exclusive use. It is compact enough to be stored on a dashboard, for example.

Can be installed by ECU mail.



  • Photographs of your car
  • Photo of file transfer between IXI or PG3 and PC.
  • Video footage of bubbling from behind a stationary vehicle or while it is running.

以上3点をPowergate3またはIXI Flasher到着日からWithin 2 weeksにお送り頂いた方は、施工料金のうち¥10,000を即日キャッシュバックキャンペーンを実施しています。(対面での施工は対象外。車両によってはCB価格が高額な場合もあり、実質業版価格で提供可能な場合もあります。)