Audi TT 1.8L mbFAST bubbling

This time, the customer came from Aichi Prefecture and had bubbling applied to an Audi TT 1.8L! The reason why they came all the way by themselves is because we can do only bubbling. It seems to cost about 200,000 yen at other companies, but in the case of TT 1.8, our price is 90,000 yen (as of November 2022) for bubbling only installation.

Immediately read the ECU map version from the OBD and obtain the original data. We then edit that file so that the bubbling sounds and write the resulting data. Thanks to you, we were able to introduce a new weapon, which allows us to write dramatically faster. The first one takes 10 minutes, and the second and subsequent writes with a little correction take about one minute. The maps we make each time are different and we are constantly researching them.

This is what the bubbling sounds like from outside! It sounds pretty good.

This is the bubbling emptiness heard from inside.

How was it? mbFAST can install bubbling alone without ECU tuning. If you are interested, please register on our official Line and send us a message.

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